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Seller Guidelines

Contraband Items

The items listed below are prohibited from sale or sale promotion and may result in the seller forfeiting their deposit:

  • Sexually explicit content (X rated films or 18+ video games, people engaged in sexual activity, modeled clothing that is see-through or very tight and shows human genitalia, the anus, or the nipple/areola of female breasts, male erections)
  • Firearms or weapons of any kind
  • Alcohol of any kind
  • Tobacco products
  • Stolen property
  • Live animals or livestock of any kind
  • Active credit, debit, or store credit cards, including prepaid credit cards or gift cards
  • Embargoed items from the following countries (Cuba, Crimea, Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) regions of Ukraine (as defined under applicable sanctions), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Iran, Syria
  • Hazardous materials such as poisons, explosives, radioactive materials, combustibles, pesticides, harmful chemicals
  • Perishable foods of any kind
  • Human body parts
  • Illegal or prescription drugs

If you're unsure if your item is considered contraband, email us at [email protected].

Website Domain Listings

Website domains may be listed for sale on SatStash.

Follow these steps when listing a domain for sale:

  • For the listing image, upload a screenshot from you domain registrar dashboard that shows the domain as active in your account.
  • In the description, include the following information:
    1. The current domain registrar (GoDaddy,, etc.)
    2. The domain renewal date
    3. The process you propose for transferring the domain. We suggest:
      • The domain authorization code ("EPP Code") will be transferred to the buyer by email within 5 days of SatStash confirmation that they've received the buyer payment.
      • The buyer will provide the EPP Code with their preferred domain registrar to initiate the domain transfer process. This may require a transfer fee depending on the registrar policy.
      • The seller will approve the transfer. Proceeds will only be released to the seller once the transfer has been confirmed, which can take up to 10 days.

Shipping Guidelines

To fully cover the risk of the package being stolen and buyer fraud, you must pay for tracking and require the recipient to sign for the delivery.

Packaging Requirements

Short Summary of Packaging Tips

  1. Pick the right box and ensure its sturdiness
  2. Remove or cover old labels and barcodes
  3. Wrap items individually
  4. Use proper cushioning and leave no empty space
  5. Use the right tape
  6. Seal your boxes with the H-tape method.
    H-Taping Method
  7. Make what you're shipping smaller (e.g. deflate a basketball)
  8. Consider the box-in-box method

For instructions on how to pack specific items such as artwork, clothing, computers, TVs, etc., see this link

For items that do not fit these detailed categories, follow these guidelines:

The sequence of steps for packaging:

  1. Select a container or a box slightly larger than the item. If the items themselves are durable enough (such as books), you may use a box of their exact size.
  2. Completely fill the empty space with shock-absorbing material.
    • If packing several large items (vases, plates) in the same box, fill the spaces between them as well.
    • Cutting corners, which is often recommended as a convenient way of packing small boxes into bags, can lead to damage to the item and, as a result, to customer dissatisfaction and your additional expenses. Do not seal the package yet.
  3. Take the parcel to the post office.
    • They will check the contents of the shipment and compliance with the packaging rules. If everything is in order, seal the parcel or wrap it with paper if desired.
    • Use transparent, brown, or reinforced packaging tape 5 cm wide. Do not use masking tape, cord, rope, or twine. Tape the lid of the box and reinforce all seams and corners.
  4. Then you just need to fill out the address form.
    • Clearly sign the package or box, do not forget the return address. Just in case, enclose your business card with the address, as well as information about the recipient.
    • To send international parcels outside the country, you need to fill out a customs Declaration. The Declaration specifies the category of shipment, the number and names of items in the parcel, and their value.
    • Do not stick the label on the folds and edges of the box, as this will prevent the barcode from being scanned.
Packing Tips
Item Requirements

How to pack fragile items

Additional packaging for fragile or sharp objects and liquids:

  • Air-bubble packaging (i.e. Bubble Wrap)
  • Ready-made film bags
  • Mail Lite airbag envelopes
  • Foam Packs
  • Each item in a separate box

If your parcel contains several separate items, keep in mind that they will move and bump up against each other during transportation. Separate packaging and an additional layer between items minimize the risk of damage.

Items sensitive to moisture or dirt are best additionally packed in a sealed plastic bag inside your package.

Box-in-box method

  • The outer box must be large enough to provide the necessary cushioning for the inner box. It is better to use 5-6 cm shock absorption. Keep a reasonable balance between shock absorption and box size: you will save money if your parcel takes up less space.
  • Besides the additional protection, the "box-in-box" method is recommended if your inner box represents your brand and must be delivered undamaged. Putting a branded box in a plain larger box also reduces the likelihood of theft: it will be harder to guess how valuable your parcel is.
Box in Box Method

How to pack sharp items

  • In order to prevent injuries, items with sharp edges must be packed in a way that doesn't allow the package to accidentally open or become cut from the inside.
  • An example package might look like this:
    • Sharp edges of the item covered with securely taped hard plastic or durable cardboard
    • The item itself put into a blister pack if possible
    • The item secured inside the blister pack, as to prevent it from moving and sliding
    • The blister pack should be put into a box with the remaining space filled with shock-absorbing material

How to pack liquids

  • When transporting liquids in a sealed container, it is important that the lids are screwed tightly. Keep in mind that unscrewing the lids may occur during vibration. Check the reliability of the caps or lids. If your product is packed tightly, make sure that it will not suffer from pressure drop during air transportation.
  • Provide an additional layer of protection. Pack the container with the liquid contents in a heat-sealable bag.
  • Liquids in bottles must be separated from each other inside the transport container. Use foam, corrugated cardboard, or Styrofoam dividers to create separate cells for each container.
  • The common way for postal services to ship fragile items and liquids includes marking them as "HANDLE WITH CARE." The commission for such shipments is usually increased.